Dan Kling |
Commissioner District 1 1487 690th Road Gordon NE 69343 308-360-1600 dkling@sheridancounty.ne.gov |
James Krotz |
Commissioner District 2 Chairperson 3484 - 520th Road Rushville, NE 69360 308 327-2110 jkrotz@sheridancounty.ne.gov |
Bruce Messersmith |
Commissioner District 3 Vice Chairperson 4241 269TH TRAIL Alliance, NE 69301 308 760-1540 bmessersmith@sheridancounty.ne.gov |
The County Board normally meets at 9:00 am on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Tuesdays (excluding Federal and State Holidays) and other times as may be deemed necessary by the County Clerk or Board Chairman. Meetings are normally held in the Commissioners room in the Courthouse and are open to the public. Only items of county business that are on the agenda, which is kept continuously current in the County Clerk's office, may be discussed. Notice of Commissioner and Board of Equalization is posted on the Public Notices page and when practical in the Sheridan County Journal Star.
County Commissioners are elected, by districts, to a four year term by the voters of Sheridan County and may run for additional terms. As elected officials County Board members answer directly to the citizens of the county.
The County Board of Commissioners has the responsibility and the power to care for county property, repair and erect county buildings, manage county funds, set tax levies, and approve budgets for and set salaries of elected county officials. The Board supervises the Highway Superintendent and the road department in the maintenance and construction of roads in the county. The Board reviews and approves or denies all claims for "County" funds and lets all contracts to which the county is a party. The Board appoints the County Veteran's Service Officer and the Veteran's Service Committee, the Highway Superintendent, the Weed Superintendent, the County Visitors Bureau, the County Extension Board, the G.I.V.E. advisory board and the Planning Commission.
The County Board has no jurisdiction over local School, Educational Service Units, Community College, Natural Resource District, or City budgets.
When required, the County Board sits as the Board of Equalization regarding property assessments and hears property value protests.
Search through minutes of past meetings on the Meeting Minutes page.
Board members also serve as the County representative on various boards where the county has an interest.