Sindy L. Coburn |
Clerk |
The Sheridan County Clerk's Office is located on the main floor of the Courthouse at the east end of the hall. Our County Clerk wears many hats. In addition to duties of the County Clerk, duties of Register of Deeds, and Election Commissioner are pieces of the job description. The office contains the record of all real estate transactions and maintains the agendas for County Commissioner and Board of Equalization meetings. Minutes of County Board and Board of Equalization and many other records are stored in the office vault.
The County Clerk is elected to a four year term by the voters of Sheridan County and may run for additional terms. As an elected official the County Clerk answers directly to the citizens of the county.
As the Register of Deeds, the office is responsible for maintaining and securing land records of the county. It is the duty of Register of Deeds to record filings such as deeds, mortgages, assignments, releases, construction liens, tax liens, and plats. All documents recorded in the Register of Deeds office are public record. Copies of recorded documents are available to view or purchase. Primary users of this office include realtors, title and abstract companies, banks, law firms, appraisers, and genealogists.
Duties of the County Clerk/Election Commissioner include:
- Recording of documents
- Secretary to the County Board
- Computation of payroll & payment of all County claims
- Registration of voters
- Registration of candidates for County and City offices, and local elections
- Filings of local election issues
- Registration of deeds Issuance of marriage licenses
- Filing valuation protest forms
- Filing of Accountability and Disclosure Forms for local elections
- Coordinating with the Nebraska Secretary of State
- Overseeing and conducting elections
Related Links
A copy of a Nebraska Early Voting Ballot Application is available at the Secretary of States website. A PDF copy can be downloaded at http://www.sos.ne.gov/elec/pdf/earlyvote_app.pdf
Forms for filing property valuation protests, Form 422, and other assessment related forms are available at the Nebraska Department of Revenue website. If you feel there has been an error in your assessment, please visit with the Assessor. Remember, it is the property owners responsibility to report changes in usage or removal, remodeling, or additions of structures.
Copies of Nebraska Birth, Death, Marriage, and Divorce Certificates can be obtained by contacting the DHHS Office of Vital Records in Lincoln.
Candidates for state and local offices, political action committees or PACs, political parties, and ballot question committees must file financial statements with the Accoutability and Disclosure Commission and with the office taking their filing. Current office holders must file updated reports annually.